The Henson Journals

Sat 15 October 1904

Volume 15, Pages 344 to 345


Saturday, October 15th, 1904.

I finished one sermon, & nearly finished the other; corrected & returned to the publishers the remaining proofs of "Notes on popular Rationalism". Showed a party of S.S. Teachers over the Abbey, walked with Beeching on the Embankment, & met Pearce: attended the Organ Recital.

Harold Knowling had a long conversation with me, which greatly surprised me.




Almighty and All Holy God, Whose Will is prevailing through all the chaos & crime of our life on earth, to Whom we are servants when we know it not, have mercy on us, as we fail & stumble under the over-heavy burden of our sin. Thou Who dost call us to Thy Work must Thyself create us for it: for, O God, we are not able of ourselves to make answer to Thy Call. Therefore, have mercy upon us, & fashion us according to Thy Will. Send into our hearts the purging fires of Thy Holy Spirit: let the Divine Light shine in our sin-darkened understandings. O Righteous & Terrible God, Whose eye sees all the long course of our past years, seamed & stained with wilful sin, pity our weakness, & lift us from our shame. Thou knowest all we have been, and all we have longed & striven & failed to be. Thou knowest all, and, therefore, we dare to pray Thee save Thy servants from their sin. Show Thou me the way that I should walk in for I lift up my soul unto Thee. O God I love Thee, and dare to confess my love - I, who merit nought but the stroke of Thy judgment. I am Thine, help Thy servant who putteth his trust in Thee.
