The Henson Journals

Sun 31 July 1904

Volume 15, Page 333


9th Sunday after Trinity, July 31st, 1904.

A beautiful day after the rain, which has washed everything & given back lustre to the grass. I celebrated at 8 a.m., there were 20 commts.

At 11 a.m. there was a scanty congregation. I preached on ‘Temptation', taking my text from the epistle for the day. 1. Cor: X.12-13.

This was Harold Knowling's last day in the choir: when I recall how much pleasure, & I hope also spiritual help his singing has brought to me during these 4 years past, I feel that this is no slight event. He & I went together to the Charing Cross Hospital to see Edwin Saxton, who has been lying there for a fortnight. Returning, we fell in with Beeching on the Embankment, & walked awhile with him. At Evensong there was a fair congregation, & I preached on "Oppression".

Harold's father came to supper as well as Harold himself.