The Henson Journals

Sun 24 July 1904 to Fri 29 July 1904

Volume 15, Pages 331 to 332


8th Sunday after Trinity, July 24th, 1904.

Weather hot and sultry. Only 20 communicants at 8 a.m. Thin congregation at Mattins. I preached on "The Faith once for all delivered to the Saints". The Rev. W. S. Rainsford, Rector of St George's, New York, came into the Vestry afterwards.

In the afternoon I attended Evensong in the Abbey: Wilberforce a characteristically verbose & unintelligible sermon.

Philby & Alan came in to tea, & (as they leave this term) I gave them each a copy of the incriminated sermons as a keepsake.

At Evensong there was but a small congregation.

No less than 9 guests appeared at supper

  • Shaw
  • Albert
  • Crofts
  • Barnes
  • Wood
  • Chester
  • Ernest
  • Sherwood
  • Kirshbaum


I went to the Almshouses in Rochester Row, & conducted a quaint little service in the Court Room. About 75 of the Almsfolk & pensioners attended. Afterwards there was a meeting of trustees.

At 4.15 I attended a meeting of the Governing Body of Westminster School, where inter alia we agreed to reject a petition from a large body of people asking that the Vincent Square ground should be opened during the holidays to the poor children of Westminster.

On Thursday Dr Rainsford lunched with me, and we had much conversation together.