The Henson Journals

Fri 20 May 1904

Volume 15, Pages 303 to 304


Friday, May 20th, 1904.

Ella and I attended the Prize distribution in S. Margaret's Schools. After which there was a meeting of managers at which Rute announced that we ended the final year of "voluntaryism" with a balance of £7: which would be increased presently by about £40, the amount of the Government grant for the month of April.

This afternoon E. made an interesting communication to me.

Lady F. Balfour wired for me to dine, which I was able to do. Hugh Cecil, Fleming, Mr & Mrs Saintsbury, & Eustace Balfour made up the party.


O Spirit of Jesus guide my way in the world,

and make me a witness of Thine own Love.

O Spirit of Truth govern my thoughts, and

direct my speech, and inspire my teaching

O Spirit of Wisdom illumine my understanding,

and choose for me my course.

O Comforter stay the wasting sorrows of my

heart, and console my loneliness.

O Holy Spirit of God purge my heart, and

cleanse my way.

O Helper of Christian Souls grant help to

me, & make for me Thy sweet, prevailing intercession.

O Spirit of Joy pierce the clouds of depression

which enfold me, and make me glad with Thy Presence.

O Spirit of Prayer teach me to pray.

O Sprit of Fellowship teach me to serve.

"With hearts so vile, how dare we venture,

Holy Ghost! to love Thee so?

And how canst Thou, with such compassion,

Bear so long with things so low?

Holy Ghost! come down upon Thy children,

Give us grace, & make us Thine;

Thy tender fires within us kindle,

Blessed Spirit! Dove Divine!