The Henson Journals

Fri 19 February 1904

Volume 15, Page 288


Friday, February 19th, 1904.

After Mattins I revised & finished the Article on the Resurrection which I forthwith sent to the Editor of the Hibbert Journal.

Also I sent the 4th ‘Paper' on ‘Reason &c' to the Editor of Good Words.

The first of my Lenten Lectures was wretchedly attended. The Archdeacon was holding a reception at his house. Some petty ‘Royalty' was on show, & Dean's Yard was black with carriages of worshippers at that ‘shrine'! Mrs Gow convened a meeting of some charitable sort or other at her house: & Mr Murray Smith gave an illustrated lecture on the Abbey close by! Thus my congregation was reduced to the smallest proportions. Indeed I do not remember so meagre an attendance. There were about 200 papers taken away by the congregation: so it may perhaps be inferred that the number of my hearers was about as many. Afterwards I walked down the Embankment, &, meeting Ker, as I neared my house, stood talking rashly, & I contracted a chill.