The Henson Journals

Sun 3 January 1904 to Mon 4 January 1904

Volume 15, Pages 270 to 272


2nd Sunday after Christmas, January 3rd, 1904.

I did not get up for the early service. At 11 a.m. I preached and Celebrated the Holy Communion. There were 95 communicants.

Rashdall came to see me during the afternoon, and stayed on to service in the Abbey, when I preached again. It was a horrid wet night, but, in spite of the weather, there was a considerable congregation.



To the Abp. Of Canterbury.

[symbol] Jany 4th 1904

My dear Lord Archbishop,

You will, I know, understand how greatly troubled I am at the situation in which I find myself with respect to Mr Beeby. Much has been told me & written to me about him during the last few days, and (save for a letter from a Birmingham incumbent clearly adverting to the same matter as that referred to by your Grace) everything is most creditable to him. Bishop Perowne described him recently to one of my correspondents as ‘one of the saintliest men in the diocese'. He is said by those who know him well to be a good husband & a very affectionate father. I see that it is stated in the "Times" this morning that his parishioners are getting up some memorial or testimonial to him.

Several persons have written to me with the design to make some effort to find Mr Beeby another sphere of work: & my necessary answer, dissociating myself from him as a stranger, & emphasizing his expressed desire to have his resignation undiscussed must injure his interests, & can, I fear, hardly fail to suggest something [272] vaguely unsatisfactory about him. It tortures me to think that I may be further wronging a man, who has already been wronged.

I shall ask your Grace, therefore, to add to your kindness this also, to let me know at once what conclusion you may come to on the matter submitted to investigation.

It is a curious & sinister coincidence that the Holy Office should have condemned L'Abbé Loriz just at this time.

With all good wishes for your Grace, personal & official, in the New Year.

I am,

always sincerely & dutifully,


(This letter was marked within & without ‘private')

Issues and controversies: Beeby case