The Henson Journals

Thu 31 December 1903

Volume 15, Pages 268 to 269


New Year's Eve, December 31st, 1903.

Almighty God I beseech Thee to forgive my sins, known & unknown, to remedy my blunders, unsuspected and apparent, to purge my character & my motives, to direct my action, to govern my life through Jesus Christ Thy Son.

  • In my personal life justice, simplicity, & love.
  • In my parochial life insight, candour, & sympathy
  • In my public life, courage, wisdom, & sincerity.



Last year on review seems to have been beyond all precedent contentious. In 1902 I broke with the Catholics in point of organisation: in 1903 I have broken with the Orthodox in point of doctrine. To the perilous Protestantism of "Godly Union & Concord" is now added the still more perilous latitudinarianism of "Sincerity & Subscription". Gradually I am moving without the camp as all the rest have had to do. Undoubtedly I move with much more liberty in the lightening harness, but the professional outlook has, perhaps, taken a settled gloom. That don't [sic] much matter, so long as I have strength & courage for the war: but the strain on these qualities has become extremely severe, & I hardly know how long I can stand it. Like the page in ‘Good King Wenceslas', I am disposed to say, "I can go no longer": and yet just ahead are heavier tasks & fiercer fights than any, under which I have hitherto had to stand. Well, well: the cause is a good one, & I must do out the duty in the Name of the Lord.