The Henson Journals

Sun 2 August 1903

Volume 15, Pages 226 to 228


8th Sunday after Trinity, August 2nd, 1903.

I celebrated at 8 a.m: feeling very sad at the thought of Giffin's sudden death. He was a good & religious man, the best & most serviceable of the sidesmen.

There was a fair congregation at 11 a.m. There was no choir, but the congregation managed very well by itself. I preached on Holidays. At the Celebration after the service: there were 91 commts.

In the course of the afternoon I called on Mrs Giffen [sic], & offered such condolence as I could. On my way home, I encountered Weller, & spoke to him. He is a genuine, good fellow.

At Evensong was a moderate congregation: I preached what might fairly be called a Funeral Sermon for Giffen. Another American parson came into the Vestry after service.

[227] [symbol]

Letter to Canon Wirgman.

[symbol] My dear Sir,

I am in doubt whether you expect or desire any answer to your letter of August 1st, and, indeed, to speak frankly, it is couched in terms which almost prohibit answer. I do not understand the precise complaint you make. Is it that I have altered my opinion on some points of current belief? But I could do no otherwise when that opinion seemed to me, in the light of fuller knowledge & more careful thought, to be no longer tenable. Would you have had me continue to profess opinions which I had ceased to hold? You blame me for desiring better relations with non-Episcopalian Christians, & for attaching value to the constitutional relation with the State which the Church of England still retains. I really am at a loss to know how I can meet your wishes without doing violence to my own convictions. I regret & disapprove the attitude of the Nonconformists with respect to Education as much as you do: though, perhaps, I should allow something [228] more in excuse for it from historical causes than you would. But can we not differ without anger or insult?

Believe me,

faithfully yours


Issues and controversies: recognition of/reunion with non-episcopal churches