The Henson Journals

Sun 7 June 1903

Volume 15, Pages 196 to 197


Trinity Sunday, June 7th, 1903.


Sixteen years since I was ordained! I went to S. Margaret's at 8 a.m. & celebrated with the thought paramount in my mind - very saddening & solemn. There was a large congregation at the Choral Celebration. I preached on Isaiah's vision. There were over 130 comts, among them Sir Henry Fowler, who is a Wesleyan. I saw Dicey also in the Church.

In the evening I preached in the nave of the Abbey, using for the first time after so long an interval, the old wooden pulpit which is said to have been used by Cranmer at the Coronation of Edward VI. There was a big crowd, & I had a portentous headache, but I think everybody was able to hear. My sermon took just 40 minutes to deliver.

Immediately on my return to the house, I went to bed.



Almighty God. Who hast wonderfully led me to this hour, & didst will in Thy Mysterious Providence that I should stand before my fellow-men as Thy Messenger, have mercy upon me, & forgive the failures, infidelities, & offences of these years, and make possible to me the fulfilment of the charge which Thou hast laid upon me. I beseech Thee for Thy cleansing Spirit that I may be made holy & clean as becomes Thy minister. I pray Thy Guidance in my Thoughts, Thy government in my speech, Thy direction in my acts. ‘Show Thou me the way that I should walk in for I lift up my soul unto Thee'. Have compassion on Thy people, who look to me for teaching & example, & protect them from my errors & faults. Kindle afresh in my heart zeal for Thy service, & love for Thy flock. Grant me, if it be Thy will, a measure of happiness in the work to which Thou hast called me, & preserve me from bringing dishonour on Thy name. All these my prayers I offer in the Name of Thy Son, Jesus Christ our Lord.
