The Henson Journals

Thu 14 May 1903

Volume 15, Pages 180 to 184


Thursday, May 14th, 1903.


O holy & blessed Jesus grant that this day I may not speak one word against the Truth, but only that which shall minister to Thine Honour, & the help of Thy People. Amen.

Knox Little's motion was postponed to the afternoon & then, after an abortive effort by the Deans of Westminster & Windsor to carry the ‘previous question', it was debated. A resolution was passed excluding reporters & strangers - a most unusual proceeding. Knox Little moved, Worlledge seconded, and Newbolt supported the resolution begging the Bps to make a declaration on the Virgin Birth, & the Resurrection. He incorporated the materialistic language of the 4th Article in his motion. I opposed in a speech of some length, in the course of which I submitted the following propositions:-

  1. That the language of our doctrinal formularies cannot be pressed in a literal sense.
  2. That the Christian theology has been from age to age modified by the current science & philosophy of the time
  3. That this modification has gone to the length [181] of the total rejection of articles of belief held to be fundamental.
  4. That the science of Biblical criticism has affected & must affect the belief of the Church.
  5. That the critical treatment of the N.T. has raised certain questions affecting those articles of the Creed which declare the mode of Christ's Incarnation & Resurrection.

I asked the House to consider such facts as the following:-

  • α The Virgin Birth was admittedly not preached by the Apostles.
  • β In the N.T. it is absolutely confined to ‘Supplemental Matter' included in the opening chapter of the first & third Gospels.
  • γ These chapters are hard to reconcile with one another.
  • δ The great theologians of the N.T. - S. Paul & S. John - who constantly affirm & argue from the Incarnation are quite silent as to the Virgin Birth.
  • ε The argument of the Ep. to the Hebrews seems naturally to assume an ordinary birth.
  • ζ The genealogies are Joseph's. Christ's [182] Davidic descent is ‘traced thro' Joseph & not thro' Mary'.
  • η The language of the 1st & 3rd Gospels - apart from the supplemental matter - is quite natural
  • θ Very early there was ‘a tendency to emphasize the virginity of Mary, & to remove expressions which seemed in any way to conflict with this ['].
  • ι There was a ‘wide-spread tradition that the Apostle Thomas was the twin-brother of Jesus'.

I said that such facts as these did constitute a real question, which ought to be honestly & reverently examined: that with respect to the Resurrection the case was very similar. The Fact is everywhere affirmed & assumed in the Apostolic writings, but the mode of the mystery is obscure & seems to be apprehended differently by S. Paul, and by the Evangelists. The language of the 4th Article is hard to reconcile with 1.Cor.xv.

  1. That the critical inquiry ought not to be prejudged in the interest of the Christian tradition.


The truth must be defended by argument, not by denunciations.

"I am convinced that a cruel wrong will be inflicted on many good & earnest Christians, who worship Christ with sincerity, & do his work in the world, if we affirm that to doubt the Virgin-Birth implies denial of the Incarnation, & to repudiate the materialism of Article 4, is to deny the Resurrection.

What are we asking the Bishops to do? We are asking them to attempt a task, which experience often repeated, has shown to be futile viz:- to suppress inquiry by authority.

I submit that this course is not merely tactically mistaken, but morally indefensible.

One word more: for one person who doubts the Article, there are a hundred who abhor this method of maintaining it. Why provoke a strike on sympathy?

The Church of England stands for theological liberty.["]

In the discussion that followed an amendment was adopted omitting the quotation from the 4th Article.


The Dean moved the adjournment, & this was accepted.

We dined with Miss Monk & found among the guests Bishop Barry, & the Dean.

Afterwards we went on to Lambeth, where was a great crush.

Issues and controversies: virgin birth; resurrection