The Henson Journals

Sun 5 April 1903

Volume 15, Pages 173 to 174


Palm Sunday, April 5th, 1903.

I celebrated at 8 a.m. 42 commts.

I preached at Mattins on "Judas Iscariot" to but a moderate congregation.

In the afternoon I preached for Beeching in the Abbey, repeating the sermon I had preached at Windsor last Thursday.

In the evening, I preached on "Forgiveness" in S. Margaret's, and afterwards gave an address at the devotional service. There was a large congregation at Evensong.


The Holy Week has been filled with writing sermons and delivering them. On Tuesday, I preached at the Preparation Service (which was ill attended): on Good Friday, I preached at Mattins, and on Easter Day, I preached at the Choral Eucharist, and (but this was an old sermon) at Evensong.

The communicants were more by 2 than last year viz:

at 7 a.m. 68
" 8 " 144
" 11 " 170 = 382

I preached on the 'Sacrament of Unity', and took the opportunity of re-affirming my plea for 'intercommunion'.

In the Abbey it is stated that there were at 8 a.m. 98 commts, and at noon 300: a total of 398: making for both churches a grand total of 780

Ian Malcolm and his wife were in church on Easter day, & communicated. He wrote me a very charming letter afterwards.

Issues and controversies: intercommunion