The Henson Journals

Fri 13 March 1903 to Sat 4 April 1903

Volume 15, Pages 171 to 172


Thursday, March 13th, 1903.

Watson came to lunch, and we had much talk. He is sound on the V-B question, but misdoubts most of the Bishops.


Dean Bradley's death was quickly - within 10 days - followed by Dean Farrar's. I preached in S. Margaret's sermons in which a decent, & I hope sufficient, reference was made to both. The Dean was buried with much reverent pomp in Atterbury's vault.

April: 4th 1903. The Times announces the appointment of Dr Wace to be Dean of Canterbury.

Beeching sent to ask me to preach for him tomorrow afternoon in the Abbey: he being prostrate with a chill. I showed a party from Westbourne Park Institute over the Abbey: & then attended the performance of Gounod's Redemption in S. Margaret's.

Fred: Gore was buried this afternoon.

Issues and controversies: virgin birth