The Henson Journals

Sun 2 December 1900 to Fri 14 December 1900

Volume 14, Pages 423 to 425


Advent Sunday, December 2nd, 1900.

No less than 127 communicants came to the Sacrament at 8 a.m.: and 23 at 11 a.m.: making just 150 on my last Sunday of service here. Peabody, from the Parish Church, ministered the Chalice. Nicholson celebrated at 11 a.m. I preached twice. At 11 a.m. the Chapel was full, at 7 p.m. it was thronged, many failing to find admission. I preached "farewell" sermons, but the personal element was as far as possible kept out of view. There was emotion in the atmosphere, all kindly, which made preaching a trying task: but I got thro' it better than I hoped. The Churchwardens from Barking visited me in the afternoon: & Tommie & Bob had tea. Fred Maisy came to supper.


At 8 a.m. 2. 5. 0
11 2. 14. 6
7 p.m. 3. 8. 10
£8. 8. 4


On Tuesday, the 4th December, I dined with Mrs Romanes & met Canon Ainger, the Master of the Temple, Kemp the Architect, the Bp. of Rochester, Mrs Talbot & Miss Talbot. I forget the names of the others. On the whole a pleasant party.

On Wednesday, the 5th Dec., I attended service at the Abbey, & then a Chapter Meeting at the Deanery. Mr Wheeler Q.C. attended to consult about the case of the Dean & Chapter v. the new Borough of Westminster.

The Archdeacon asked me to dine, & I did. He gave not so much as the offer of wine.

Hoskyns, the brother of the Vicar of Bolton, was also dining. An honest man to look at. On my return, I found a letter from the Archdeacon, announcing that he has accepted the Chaplaincy of the Hospital. Laus Deo.


On the 9th Dec: 1900, being the 2nd Sun: in Advent, I began my ministry in S. Margaret's, Westminster, by Celebrating at 8 a.m., and preaching twice. There was a large congregation on both occasions, especially in the morning. I read the Lessons from the Revised Version.

On Wednesday, 12th Dec: I went to Chelmsford, and stayed to dine & sleep at the Rectory, with the Bishop.

On Friday, 14th Dec: I attended a Chapter Meeting at Westminster, lunched with Gore, had an interview with John Talbot, went with Robins to call on divers parishioners. Wound up with an interview with the Churchwarden. The Archdeacon met the Chapel Committee here.

Issues and controversies: Revised Version