The Henson Journals

Wed 28 November 1900

Volume 14, Page 422


Wednesday, November 28th, 1900.

I went to Westminster & spent most part of the day there. At 11 a.m. there was a Conference between the Rectors of St Margaret's & S. John's, & Mr Barlow about the forthcoming inquiry as to the new Scheme for uniting the parishes &c. We decided to commission Barlow to represent us at an expenditure not exceeding £10. Then I went over accounts with Warre–Cornish, all ruinously in deficit. Then lunch & talk with Armitage Robinson: then service in the Abbey, where I took my own place: then tea with Gore, & a walk on the Embankment: then return to Ilford, & dinner with Mrs Ingleby; then letters, & bed.