The Henson Journals

Sun 11 November 1900

Volume 14, Page 409


22nd Sunday after Trinity, November 11th, 1900.

The weather has become bitterly cold. There was also a thick fog, the first of the season I think. At 8 a.m. there were 30 commts. Frank Capon served. I read Mattins, Celebrated, & preached. 5 commts. Then I yielded to the seductions of indolence, and the proffered excuses of fog, & sent a wire to Pereira at Croydon, crying off my lecture on 'Anglicanism'. I told the church–officers &c. of my approaching departure. In the course of the afternoon, Carter called to ask me whether I would support Ingleby's return to the hospital, to which I returned a decided negative. If he pledged himself to continue my régime? Negative again. Very small congregation at Evensong, as everybody had flocked to S. Clement's to hear the Rector of Mafeking. Frank & Harman came in to supper.


At 8 a.m. . 8 .
11 1. 7. 11
7 p.m. 1. 4. 9
£3. 0. 8