The Henson Journals
Thu 3 January 1929
Volume 47, Page 68
Thursday, January 3rd, 1929.
I finished the Cathedral Sermon, and wrote a number of letters. After lunch, Ella, Fearne & I motored to Raby, where we lunched with the Barnards, and then went to Staindrop. Lord Barnard presided over a crowded meeting in the new Church Schools, which Lord Londonderry declared "open", and I dedicated with prayers. Then we returned to Auckland, and, after taking a short "constitutional" in the garden, I settled into my study.
"The Charles James Fox Association", a society of Oxford Undergraduates, writes to ask me to dine at "The Randolph", and discourse to them on "Disestablishment". A few days ago the Editor of the Cambridge Review asked me to write an Article on that subject, in which he said the undergraduates were keenly interested. This is, perhaps, a "sign of the Times".
I promised the Bishop of Edinburgh that I would preach in his Cathedral on October 30th when it celebrates its "Jubilee".