The Henson Journals
Sun 16 December 1928
Volume 47, Page 29
3rd Sunday in Advent, December 16th, 1928.
A stormy night. There was something like a blizzard proceeding when day broke.
I celebrated the Holy Communion in the Chapel at 8 a.m. There were 8 communicants, including John and Rufus, who made his first Communion.
I motored to Sunderland, and there dedicated the new oaken reredos in St Gabriel's, and preached. The congregation was largely composed of young people, mostly feminine. The vicar & his two curates are all comparatively young. Youth draws to youth. We have too many sexagenarians in the clergy of this diocese!
I wrote to Woods, the asst curate of S. Westoe offering him S. Hilda's, Bishopwearmouth, which Plummer's death has vacated.
Lionel and I went to S. Andrew's, Spennymoor. He read the service, & I preached to a very meagre congregation.