The Henson Journals

Mon 5 November 1928

Volume 46, Page 156


Monday, November 5th, 1928.


I returned to Auckland by a train that left Oxford at 10.50 a.m., and arrived at Darlington at 4.34 p.m. There Ella met me with the car, and so I came to the Castle.

The Archbishop–designate of Canterbury was my companion de voyage. We had a good deal of talk. He said that he agreed with me in disapproving the "Tribute" to Archbishop Davidson, and the latter's "elevation" to the peerage; but I doubt whether he expressed his disapproval to anybody else. He said that the new Peer had assured him that he would not speak in the House of Lords on ecclesiastical topics. I told him that I had done my best to stop a tribute to him; & he said that he was grateful for my doing so, but his countenance did not accord with his words, or, at least, I thought so. He is almost jubilantly optimistic about the situation. The Synods are proceeding excellently: & the Enabling Act will be revised without difficulty!! So much for "spiritual independence"!