The Henson Journals
Mon 29 October 1928
Volume 46, Page 146
Monday, October 29th, 1928.
A very unpleasant day, and very wet.
I wrote a number of letters, paid many bills, and then prepared notes for the Bristol speech. After lunch I walked in the Park with Lionel, and got wet enough, in spite of a mackintosh, to have to change when I got back to the Castle.
Eric Fuller wrote to say that his mother was ill with pneumonia, & likely to follow her husband to the grave. This is a tragic happening.
The 'Times' has a brief report of my short speech to the Diocesan Conference, noting that I "avoided reference to the Prayer Book controversy". The 'Yorkshire Post' gives rather more of what I said, including the lines by which I rendered the grotesque Latin proverb about the relations of clergy and laity. There was a leading article on Synods in the same paper, which perhaps indicates an intention in some quarters to start an agitation for the "restoration" of these doubtful and little–known assemblies. The silly project of a 'constitutional episcopate' robs Presbyterianism of its independence, & episcopacy of its authority, making the worst of both systems.