The Henson Journals

Tue 25 May 1926

Volume 40, Pages 303 to 304


Tuesday, May 25th, 1926.


Last night was an improvement on its predecessor, but Heaven knows!, nothing to boast of. However I started the day in something of a better humour.

Outstanding features of the General Strike when considered in the retrospect:–

1.The astonishing response of the Trade Unionists to the call of their leaders. It is clear that in most cases the men dislike the Strike, and that in many cases it hurt their consciences. Nevertheless, they obeyed. They neither resented the behaviour of the T.U.C. in ignoring their wishes, nor refused to break their contracts in violation of their professed principles. The education in "class–consciousness" has been so successful that neither self–respect nor religion count for anything against class.

2.The unscrupulous violence of the dominant leaders of Trade Unions, & the remarkable helplessness of the moderate leaders. In spite of their disbelief in the moral legitimacy of the general strike, and their doubt of its practical utility, the Moderates found themselves compelled to join in "calling" it.

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During the afternoon I had visits from J. G. Wilson, Fearne, & the Bishop of Jarrow. Ella was reported to be still kept in bed with a gastric chill. Several letters were brought to me including one from the Archbishop of Canterbury, very kindly worded, and expressing great regret at the prospect of my being absent during the session on Prayer Book Revision.

"You contribute to these discussions an element which – I say it quite genuinely – we cannot at this juncture spare, save at real detriment to the attainment of a satisfactory issue. It is really lamentable that you should be absent from the initial discussions on the crucial matters about the Communion Office wherein you would have borne so definite a part, & you will yourself feel the disadvantage which must I fear be yours when you have to take part in the resumed discussions later on of matters on which you and we would alike have desired to have your early and not tardy criticism and aid."

I signed the New Testaments in Greek, & the Bibles, which will be given to the Ordained deacons & priests on Sunday. While the doctor was chatting with me after the wound had been bandaged, about 6.15 p.m., there was a deluge of rain tropical in its violence.