The Henson Journals

Tue 20 April 1926

Volume 40, Page 250


Tuesday, April 20th, 1926.


I motored to Darlington, & took the early train to King's Cross. On arriving, I went to the Athanaeum and deposited my bags. Then I went to the hair–dresser, and had my hair cut &c. After this, I returned to the Club, where I fell in with divers of my friends who expressed much joy at seeing me again. I signed the proposal for Bell's election. Then I went to Victoria, & took train for Brighton where I arrived at 5.41 p.m. Campbell was at the station to meet me. Sir Oliver Lodge and his wife arrived at the same time. Probably I caught a slight chill on the journey, for I felt distinctly unwell, and went off to bed as early as I could. In the train I read Burch's Article on the Slavonic version of Josephus, which appeared in the first issue of the new Liverpool Diocesan Review, & has attracted considerable notice in the secular press. Also I read the letters which appeared in the Times from Eisler & Reinach. The impression left on my mind is that Bishop David has been taken in by an inadequately trained scholar.

Canon Donaldson of Westminster was preaching in Holy Trinity on Roberson's Social Message!