The Henson Journals

Fri 9 April 1926

Volume 40, Pages 228 to 229


Friday, April 9th, 1926.

Practically, the Church was an immense vested interest, implicated to the hilt in the economic fabric, especially on the side of agriculture and land tenure. Itself the greatest of landowners, it could no more quarrel with the feudal structure than the Ecclesiastical Commission, the largest of mineral owners today, can lead a crusade against royalties. The persecution of the Spiritual Franciscans, who dared, in defiance of the bull of John xxii. to maintain St Francis' rule as to evangelical poverty, suggests that doctrines impugning the sanctity of wealth resembled too closely the teaching of Christ to be acceptable to the princes of the Christian Church.

Tawney.' Religion & the Rise of Capitalism' p 56

There is an unpleasant sneer in the concluding passage, but the fact stated is unquestionable, and deserves to be much considered. It really disallows the current nonsense of the Christian Socialists.


I received a note from the Editor of the Evening Standard saying "how much he is interested in the Bishop's Article on "Motoring', and suggesting that articles on any general subject which may appeal to the Bishop wd be as welcome as those of the character which his Lordship has hitherto been good enough to contribute." This, I take it, is meant to indicate that the said Editor is about "fed up" with the heavy pastry I have been sending him!!

Ella and Fearne went off to Scotland after breakfast. The Times has a long, well written, & very hostile article on Francis Bacon, who died on April 9th 1626. It is described as "A tercentenary estimate", & belittles both the man and his achievements wonderfully.

I went round to the dentist at 6 p.m. and spent a cheerful half hour with him! Then I wrote a series of letters, including one to Ernest. I told him that he had best give up his intention of going to Venice after the Westminster Sermon, and begin his duties here on October 1st. If I can carry out my plan of having him as a Diocesan Chaplain, and keeping Trotman as Domestic Chaplain, I shall have done something.