The Henson Journals

Sun 28 March 1926

Volume 40, Pages 195 to 196


Palm Sunday, March 28th, 1926.

The name "Jesuit" is older than the foundation of the Society. In the course of the 15th century it was used sometimes of a pious Christian, sometimes of a Mendicant brother. It seems to have been given to members of the Society first in the Netherlands in 1544, and certainly as a term of odium. The name was for a long time un–pleasing to the Society, but they gradually got reconciled to it and finally made use of it themselves.

Pastor "History of the Popes" XII. 25 note.

Again (quite unnecessarily, and greatly to my chagrin) I remained in bed until the doctor had been to see me, solacing myself with Pastor's Popes. It is more & more apparent that the source of all that is distinctive in the new "Anglo Catholicism" is the Counter–Reformation. I am playing in the Church of England the unedifying rôle of one of the older Medicean Cardinals who regarded the whole fussy business of Catholick reform with extreme dislike and apprehension! Which is worse, the secularism of the Renaissance, or the fanaticism of the Tridentines?


I wrote to William, & prepared notes for my address to the Confirmation Candidates. Then I walked in the Garden with Peter Richardson. At 3 p.m. I confirmed 221 persons in South Church. Jimmie Dobbie came to tea. He has evidently been trying to do his best last term, & the Principal's Report is mainly creditable. But the question of ordering his course is not an easy one to answer & I am in some perplexity with respect to him. However, having gone so far, I may not take my hand from the plough.

Bannister writes to me from Hereford that preparations for the celebration of the 1250th anniversary of the founding of the bishoprick are in progress:–

"We are all devoting ourselves now to preparations for the event of May 20th. I am compiling (with the help of Dr Hermitage Day!) the Forms of Service (Evensong 19th H.C. 8 a.m. on 20th, Thanksgiving 11.30). You are everywhere believed to have been the Saviour of the diocese, &, when you come for the services, you will have a great reception!"