The Henson Journals
Wed 17 March 1926
Volume 40, Page 177
Wednesday, March 17th, 1926.
I motored to Durham, and, after leaving Ella and Fearne at the Station, proceeded to Bede College, where I confirmed two students in the chapel. It was a very impressive little service, which may, perhaps, be of real service to the College. After an interview with the Bishop of Jarrow, whom I found engaged with his class of deacons, I returned to Auckland for lunch.
I paid a cheque of eight guineas to Bishop Hornby in remuneration for his services in taking 4 confirmations for me. He made a decent resistance, but acquiesced without serious difficulty in that prosaic but equitable proceeding! I walked in the Park, & there had some talk with five very pleasant young men, out of work, who were engaged in kicking about a football. I brought them into the Castle and showed them the camelia, & some other objects of interest. I wonder what their candid opinion of the Bishop of Durham is!
The Bishop of Worcester writes – "The lay peers with whom I consorted last week were emphatic in praise of the Bishopric speech when they voted the other way". He adds that "the proposal for the division of episcopal incomes was unanimously sent to blazes by the Ecclesiastical Committee". So far: so good.