The Henson Journals

Sun 10 January 1926

Volume 40, Page 70


Sunday after Epiphany, January 10th, 1926. Farnham Castle.

I received Holy Communion in the Chapel – a small building adorned with much wood carving of the later XVIIth century. At 11.a.m we had Mattins, & that sufficed for the religious services of the day, our host going off to preach at Evensong in a country church. In the morning we sate and talked together. After lunch the Bishop took us for an excellent walk. The country was seen to great advantage in the clear fine day. This is certainly a noble house, far more unspoiled than Auckland, and perhaps more commodious. The Hall, stair–case, and drawing room are notable, and the tout ensemble of tiled roofs seen from the keep is unusually impressive. The Keep itself now includes a rose–garden. Bishop Thorold furnished Farnham Castle for the benefit of his successors: but he stipulated in his will that, if the castle should cease to be used by the Bishops of Winchester, the furniture should revert to his family. This contingency is now near, & the more unpleasant since the Thorold family is now Papist. After tea I wrote to Ella, and then betook me to reading Coulton, which becomes ever more interesting & more disconcerting.