The Henson Journals

Wed 30 December 1925

Volume 40, Page 54


Wednesday, December 30th, 1925.

The mild weather continues with wind and rain. Many casualties of storm and flood are reported. The morning papers give prominence to a meeting of the "Teachers' Labour Union" which was held in London yesterday. The constitution of the League was amended "to enable teachers to identify themselves with other workers in the struggle to replace the capitalist State by a Socialist commonwealth". The President, Mr H.S. Redgrove of Croydon, delivered a significant speech urging the teachers to use their position in order to propaganda socialism. The meeting decided to be affiliated with the Education Workers' International i.e. with the Russian Bolshevists.

I spent the day in working at the Article, which becomes more unsatisfactory the more I write of it! In the afternoon I walked round the Park, & was caught in a violent rain storm.

Barnes writes to ask where he could get an edition of the Canons of 1604. "My knowledge of them is derived from a large Prayer Book at the Abbey. They were printed there as an appendix which I used to read when the sermons were dull". I recommended Wilson's Edition, Oxford 1923.