The Henson Journals

Fri 18 December 1925

Volume 40, Pages 31 to 32


Friday, December 18th, 1925.

τηνελλα, a word formed by Archil (Fr. 106) to imitate the twang of a guitar–string: he began a triumphal hymn to Hercules with τηνελλα, ω καλλινικε χαιρε – and so the words τηνελλα καλλινικε

became a common mode of saluting conquerors in the games, a kind of Hazza.

Liddell & Scott.

Bannister sends me a post–card from Hereford inscribed significantly τηνελλα ω καλλινικε χαιρε this goes to show that Hereford is in fighting form.

I wasted the whole morning cleaning up my room, destroying much "exhausted" material, & preparing for my exit. Ernest arrived at lunch time, and went with me into Durham for the Ordination. I had the candidates in the Castle, which is now equipped with electric light.

Captain Carter came to see me. His report on the Bishoprick is encouraging. I do not think the loss on the first year's working will exceed £35. But the contributions for the Diocesan Fund are not coming in at all satisfactorily.


I interviewed the 7 candidates. It is difficult to know what can most wisely be said to them. Probably they find me very hard and unsympathetic, though truly I desire to help them. It is in this part of my episcopal duty that I feel myself most completely inadequate. An unconquerable reticence comes over me whenever my own religious experiences are in question, & I find it difficult to understand a generation which loves to discuss its inner life!

Canon Cosgrave gave the address at Evensong. It was certainly better than I expected both in form & substance. He said some useful things, and said them well.

Wynne–Willson came over, but did not spend the night at the Castle. He expressed much approval at my letter on the Hereford Bishoprick. I told him that I would write in the Bishoprick on "Religion & Education", and thus make clear to the diocese the line which I intend to pursue in the matter of the Church Schools. He confirmed what Stephenson told me last night as to the revolt of C.E.T.S. against the Bishop of Durham, engineered by the Dean of Durham. Well, well!