The Henson Journals

Sat 14 March 1925

Volume 38, Page 249


Saturday, March 14th, 1925.


Storr returns the proof of my address on "Spiritual Healing" with some observations. It is, in his judgement, "excellent". He suggests the insertion of "a sentence about prayer being one of the spiritual agencies which help in some cases to effect a cure", and ends thus: "I think your statement is the clearest thing I have seen. I entirely endorse what you say. There is no evidence whatever that spiritual healing is a species by itself".

I motored into Durham with Clayton, and after attending Mattins in the Cathedral, presided at the meeting of the Diocesan Conference in the Chapter House. There was a large attendance, including the Dean. My address on 'Spiritual Healing' occupied 45 minutes in delivery, and was listened to with close attention. When I sate down there was more applause than I had expected. Chute lunched with me in the Castle. The afternoon session was devoted to the Budget, always a thorny subject. There were elements of friction, but no outburst: and we carried everything through, conceding to the general or diffused sentiment of alarm at another substantial increase of the parochial quota – a sentiment forcibly expressed by Cosgrave – the appointment of a Ctee charged with the duty of reviewing the grants. Then I had interviews in my room at the Castle with Leake, and Moorsom. After tea, I returned to Auckland feeling curiously fatigued. Listening is as tiring as speaking & today I have done much of both.