The Henson Journals

Thu 1 January 1925

Volume 38, Page 145


Thursday, January 1st, 1925.


I celebrated the Holy Communion in the Chapel at 8 a.m. Ernest assisted, and we mustered 12 communicants in all. In addition to the Collect for the day I used the new Collect for New Year's Day, which is recommended for inclusion in the Revised Prayer Book.

I spent the morning in going through my accounts for the past year, and trying to discover how my income had been expended.

Ernest and I walked round the Park in a storm of rain & wind. Headlam writes to me that he has read my charge, and "for the most part agrees with it. "I am entirely with you in what you say both about the pretentiousness and the danger of what they call 'Copec'. He is not so accordant with my attitude towards the 'National Assembly'.

Dillon sends me a cutting from the 'Sunderland Echo' headed "The Bishop charges", and is certainly written in a very unfriendly, & rather disrespectful tone. The truth is that everybody, from the Archbishop of Canterbury downwards rushed into acclaiming "Copec" before they had any knowledge of what they understood by it, & now they have "burned their boats", &, of course, resent any demonstration of their folly. The powerful Socialistic current runs with the Anglo–Catholic movement to repudiate a pronouncement which condemns both!