The Henson Journals

Mon 29 December 1924

Volume 38, Page 138


Monday, December 29th, 1924.

The anxiety to shift past miracles into the domain of future science appears to us mistaken. And after all, it is beyond the reach of any philosophical revision of theory to touch the real difficulties of this question. Its decision is practically reserved, not for the metaphysician, but for the historical critic; and must arise, not sweepingly by the adjustment of an idea, but in detail, by patient estimate of narratives, taken one by one.

Martineau. Essays. ii. 457.

"To shift past miracles into the domain of future science" is an excellent description of the apologetic method which is now fashionable.

I worked all the morning, (save for an hour of St John's Gospel with Ernest,) on the Address for the Historical Association. In the afternoon I spent an hour with the dentist: & then I walked in the Park.

The "Times" has a horrifying account of the Bolshevist blasphemies at Christmas. It is a proof of the general apostasy of Christendom that these hideous wretches are not swept from the earth by a general & irresistible crusade of the Christian powers.

A mighty hurricane came on to blow at nightfall.