The Henson Journals

Thu 25 December 1924

Volume 38, Page 132


Christmas Day, December 25th, 1924.

I celebrated the Holy Communion in the chapel at 8 a.m. Ernest served and read the Epistle. The communicants numbered 17 altogether, as we had a levée en masse of the garrison. Then the Town Band came outside the Castle, and played. I wished them 'a merry Xmas', and gave £1 to their box.

After breakfast Ernest bicycled to St Helen's, Auckland, to preach, and assist Davison; and I motored to Spennymoor, where I preached and celebrated. Clayton had started early on a round of celebrations &c. So were all actively engaged in our ministry. We all motored in to Durham for Evensong & Carol–singing in the Cathedral. I sate in the Throne, & gave the Blessing. The singing was exquisite. After service I gave 'Christmas Boxes' to the vergers, and then we all had tea in the Bailey with Judge Moore & his family. Their two sons were at home, the one has just left, and the other has just entered Cambridge. We got back to Auckland shortly before 7 p.m.

Captain Hyslop came in to dinner, and had to endure the penance of listening to Milton's Ode on the Nativity, which, according to established custom, I read aloud afterwards, and also of attending service in chapel. But he did not display any repugnance, and carried himself very amiably. The weather through the day has been unseasonably warm, with occasional deluges of rain.