The Henson Journals

Thu 6 November 1924

Volume 38, Page 69


Thursday, November 6th, 1924.

Clayton and I motored to Darlington, and arrived at S. Cuthbert's in good time for the service at 11.15 a.m. I celebrated the Holy Communion, and was assisted by Archdeacon Derry, the Rector, Macdonald, Knowlden, and Shaddick. Most of the clergy communicated. When the celebration was finished, I proceeded to the pulpit, and called upon the Registrar to read the "process general". When this had been done, I read as much of the Charge as I could get into 45 minutes. This was a good deal less than I had expected. Reporters were present. Then we went to the King's Hotel for lunch, which was well served. Most of the clergy seemed to take wine. I proposed the toast of the King, and then old Eade, the Vicar of Aycliffe, proposed the Bishop in a quaint speech. When I had responded, the company dispersed. I returned to Auckland immediately.

My letter on "Prohibition" appeared in the 'Times' under the heading "Bishop of Durham's Reply". The quotations from Nicholas Murray Butler read very effectively. But Cannon's attack on my speech in the House of Lords appears in extenso in the local evening paper. I wonder whether that Journal will have the decency also to print mine.