The Henson Journals
Tue 4 November 1924
Volume 38, Page 67
Tuesday, November 4th, 1924.
I wrote to Sir John Cotterell about the Hereford Bishoprick, and suggested that a petition against the proposed division should be presented to the Church Assembly. I don't like being brought into the domestic affairs of another diocese, but in the circumstances I hardly know how to avoid it.
I finished reading Selbie's new book "The Psychology of Religion". It is a sane and serviceable volume, "very necessary for these times". Also, I finished a rapid, too rapid, reading of Paleologue's Memoir – "An Ambassador's Memoirs" (Hutchinson & Co). It is the key to much in the present Russian situation. I was particularly interested in the descriptions of the Russian Church which are scattered through the volume. The spread of revolutionary ideas among the lower clergy, particularly young priests is mentioned as one of the portents of approaching disaster.
"Our socialists have very skilfully exploited the pitiable condition of the lower clergy. For the last twelve years they have been carrying on a very active campaign among the country priests, especially the younger ones. Thus they are simultaneously recruiting soldiers for the army of anarchy, and apostles and teachers who naturally have influence on our ignorant and mystical masses".