The Henson Journals
Sat 1 November 1924
Volume 38, Page 63
Saturday, November 1st, 1924.
A woefully wet day from start to finish. And the atmosphere was stuffy and "muggy". I wasted the morning, and in the afternoon walked through the rain to 4 Marston Ferry Road, and called on the Radfords. John is now 81/2 years old, and beginning to distinguish himself at school. He is certainly improving in every respect.
I dined with Chavasse and his wife at St Aldate's Rectory, and afterwards addressed about 40 undergraduates in a room adjoining the house. My subject was "The Church and the Miner", and I introduced it by speaking for about 20 minutes. Then for more than an hour the young men asked me questions, and we parted in high good humour with each other. There were two men from Ruskin Hall there. Chavasse walked with me to All Souls. He says that there are evident indications that men are turning to the Ministry in greater numbers. He thought that the youth had been impressed by my words. I got back to the Warden's lodgings soon after 10 p.m., and went at once to my bedroom. The headache which had oppressed me all through the day had at last lifted, so that I went to bed more vigorous than I had been all day.