The Henson Journals
Tue 28 October 1924
Volume 38, Page 59
Tuesday, October 28th, 1924.
Am I to have the unpleasant and costly experience of a ritual law–suit? That depends on the point whether the Revd Mr Milner, Vicar of Elton, does, or does not, obey the order which I sent him this morning viz. that he should forthwith discontinue the public devotions before the Reserved Sacrament, which are in all but name identical with the Roman service of 'Benediction'. The man is so rude and bigoted that I am not very sanguine.
I wrote to Dashwood on the hateful subject of the income tax. The forms of inquiry drive me to distraction: and the elaborate system of allowances, which has been created for the relief of bishops, baffles me. However, I did my best, and must acquiesce in the decision, whatever it may be.
I wrote my fortnightly letters to George Nimmins & William. After lunch I walked round the Park with the dogs.
Clayton brought me a letter which Wallis had received from the Bishop of London's Secretary saying that Mr and Mrs Haslewood had "made it up" with the man Gibson, and now desired the Bishop to ordain him! What possible interpretation of this volte–face is there save one, and that the most dishonourable in the world to the Haslewoods? I suppose that I shall receive some communication from the Bishop of London.