The Henson Journals

Tue 2 September 1924

Volume 37, Page 167


Tuesday, September 2nd, 1924.


We (Ella, Fearne & I) left the Castle at 7.30 a.m., and motored to South Shields via Sunderland (32 miles) where we arrived at 8.45 a.m. The parish church was crowded with a congregation, whose reverent demeanour and general responding showed that it was composed of regular church–goers. I celebrated the marriage of the Vicar, Hudson Barker, and Winifred Bowes, & then, after giving an address, celebrated the Holy Communion. The whole congregation remained to the close of the service, the communicants numbering about 20, comprised of the newly–married persons and their relatives. Then we attended the wedding–breakfast, at which I made a short speech. Then we returned to the Castle, dropping Ella in Durham, as she had to attend a meeting there.

Among my letters, I found a copy of "The Anglican Church Magazine, September, 1924, The Official Magazine and Directory of the Diocese of North & Central Europe".

In the afternoon I dealt with the morning's correspondence. I suggested to Little that Dobson should go to him as curate: and offered Christ Church, W. Hartlepool, to Barry, late of Knutsford. Also, I wrote to the Bishop of London calling his attention to what purports to be his "Official Magazine", and yet contains an 'Editorial' in which the Bishop of Durham is referred to with intolerable rudeness. It is hardly decent that the venom of 'Anglo–Catholicism' should find expression in 'official' papers.