The Henson Journals

Fri 8 August 1924

Volume 37, Page 141


Friday, August 8th, 1924.

I wrote to Mr Everett enclosing the pamphlet copy of my speech in the House of Lords, and inviting him to send me information about the working of Prohibition in U.S.A. Lilley writes to me about the vacant canonry of Westminster, and I was foolish enough to write to the Prime Minister urging his fitness for that preferment. I cannot think it probable that he will get what he wants. Fawkes also is an aspirant, but his age & long aberration in papistry are fatal objections.

Mr Dennis Bartlett Hall, a candidate for Holy Orders, came to see me: and, with a friend, stayed to lunch. He had a promising aspect. Before they departed, I shewed them the chapel.

After lunch, I played bowls with Jack Boden.

This "Charge" has not yet outlined itself clearly in my mind. I want to challenge the main assumption of "Copec" viz. that the Christian Revelation includes adequate direction on political and economic matters. Then I want to examine the actual policies which, in the name of Christ, are being put forward, & to point out that they seem to involve their advocates in a paradox viz. they require the surplus wealth gained by "industrialism" for their social schemes while they labour to destroy "industrialism" by disallowing its motives & methods. I want to consider the position of the Christian man, as it is being created by the theory of "Copec". What measure of personal liberty and what amount of personal responsibility will be left to him?