The Henson Journals

Tue 5 August 1924

Volume 37, Page 139


Tuesday, August 5th, 1924.

The Revd C. F. Morris writes to thank me for my speech in the H. of L. "As my old friend the late Canon Harper, Vicar of Selby, used to say, Beer and the Bible shd always be associated together". This is thoroughgoing to say the least.

I read through the 'Copec' Report on "The Social Function of the Church". It is curiously immature and doctrinaire. Quaker precedents and Roman methods have wielded much influence: the first is irrelevant, and the last mischievous! And, they resolutely ignore history, and the facts which confront them. After lunch William and I played bowls for the last time, each winning a game. Then we made our farewells in Butler's Walk.