The Henson Journals

Sat 1 December 1923

Volume 36, Page 76


Saturday, December 1st, 1923.

I wrote to Linetta. Then I tried to draft something for the clergy about the Parochial Rolls. Lazenby lunched, & afterwards accompanied me to Hunwick where I consecrated a Burial Ground i.e., a portion of one. The incumbent Mr Hurrell, had asked me to invite the local sectaries to take part in the function. Accordingly, after the Consecration had been duly completed, three of them conducted a short ancillary service of Scripture, an address, and prayers, ending with the Benediction which I pronounced. The Burial Board was well represented, but the people were conspicuous by their absence. Their absence was perhaps explicable by the weather, but not I suspect wholly so. I incline rather to the supposition that they disapproved of their ministers being mixed up with such superstition!

On returning to the castle, I received a deputation of three men from the vacant parish of St Jude, South Shields, the patronage of which is for this turn in the hands of the Crown. I heard what they had to say, asked them some questions, & gave them tea. It is pitiful to know that one's power to satisfy their perfectly legitimate demands is almost nil. When the deputation had taken its departure, I was at last able to make some preparation for tomorrow! It is this "hand–to–mouth" manner of working that makes episcopal life at once so busy and so futile. it is difficult to see how anything permanent can be done by bishops!