The Henson Journals

Tue 27 November 1923

Volume 36, Page 73


Tuesday, November 27th, 1923.

Colder than ever. My morning was much broken up. First, Mr Burkitt came to see me about the appointment of a new Headmaster for the N.E. Counties School. Next, Mr Hurrell, came about the consecration of the new Burial Ground in his parish. He wants to get the sectaries to take part in the function. I approve, but one must walk "delicately" to avoid legal pitfalls. Then, the Vicar called about the "ordination" of his deaconess. It appears that the communities are fluttered at the notion of her being "ordained" without a preliminary period of devotional preparation. I advised in the interest of her professional career, that she should "toe the line"!

Miss Ramsey & George Nimmins arrived at the Castle. Ella and I motored to Newcastle, and attended a lecture by MrsRosita Forbes in the Town Hall. The lecture was illustrated by slides, & was exceedingly well delivered. The lecturer described her journey in Arabia with much vivacity & humour. I proposed a vote of thanks to her at the end. After the lecture, we went to Sir J. Oliver's house, & dined with a numerous company. I sat next to the Lecturer, & had much talk with her. She told me that she was the daughter of Herbert Torr, whom I used to meet at the Representative Ch. Council. I was certainly pleased with her, better pleased than I had expected to be. We returned to Auckland, arriving at 11.45 p.m. there was a heavy snow–fall at Newcastle.