The Henson Journals

Thu 22 November 1923

Volume 36, Page 68


Thursday, November 22nd, 1923.

The result of Prohibition in the United States is precisely what everyone really conversant with the history of the question expected. If the object is to close the open saloons (American euphemism for pot–houses) it has succeeded: if it is to stop drinking it has failed and must fail just where drinking most needs suppression. In attempting to enforce it the authorities are running their heads against a stone wall.

Shadwell "Drink in 1914–1922" p. 152

After finishing the correspondence I wasted the whole day in trying to write a review of Shadwell's book for the Times "Literary Supplement". In the afternoon I walked in the Park, & watched Lawes, Ashton, George, & the carter trying vainly to split up the trunk of a beech–tree. I wrote to Lord Sands and Dr Wotherspoon inquiring what was the formal doctrine, & what the actual practice of the Church of Scotland on the subject of Divorce.

Also I sent out notices for the first meeting of the little Committee of Bishops which is charged with revising the 39 Articles.

The newspapers announce the resignation of the Bishop of Ely, and the robbing of the late Bishop of Winchester, who is stated to have lost a sum of money variously stated as £40 and £4000. The lower figure probably stands for lira.