The Henson Journals

Sun 28 October 1923

Volume 36, Page 34


22nd Sunday after Trinity, October 28th, 1923.


The Bishop–designate celebrated in the Chapel at 8 a.m. I assisted, but did not communicate. Williamson was one of the communicants. At 9.15 a.m. I left the Castle & motored to Burnmoor. Here I celebrated the Holy Communion after dedicating a window to the late Vicar and preaching. There were 115 communicants. After lunching at the Vicarage, I preached to a church full of Freemasons at 3 p.m. This finished, I had tea in the Vicarage, & returned to Auckland. The homeward journey was relieved by a beautiful but sinister sunset.

Gadd, the rector of Burnmoor, has evidently got into effective touch with the parishioners. He is a popular preacher, who has formed the unfortunate habit of quoting largely form the poets, so largely that unkind criticks suggest that he makes use of some "pulpit aid"! His voice is strained and cracked so that his reading of the prayers is not pleasing: but he is reported to be a diligent visitor, liked by the people for his sympathy. The "quality" in the parish rather "turn up their noses" at him, but they do not dispute his zeal and industry. He professes to be grieved at the extravagances of the Anglo–Catholics: but he prayed for the late Rector by name in the course of the service!