The Henson Journals

Mon 22 October 1923

Volume 36, Page 26


Monday, October 22nd, 1923.

The Bishop of Carlisle kept his bed with some kind of an indisposition. Accordingly the engagements at Sunderland had to be cancelled. After an early lunch I went with Lord Astor as far as Durham, and then sent him on in the car to Sunderland. I had an interview with Archdeacon Derry about the protest against the Stockton Report. Then I presided at a meeting of the Church Building Board. Then, I went to my room in the Castle, and had interviews successively with the Vicar of Chilton Moor and Maish. As a result of the last I felt myself able to write to the Bishop of Exeter asking him wholly to cancel & banish from mind the evil report of S. sent to him by some strange & unaccountable confusion.

The Archbishop of Canterbury sent me a rather torturous epistle about his ill–advised speech. Also I received a long letter from that crafty old "clawback" Dr Harris of Colwell, who, for some unimaginable reason thought it worth his while to inform me of the inner conflicts of the Anglo–Catholic faction. It appears that the E.C.U. Prayer Book represents the triumph of the moderates. He mentioned the curious fact that one Anglo–Catholic stated that he had used the Latin Mass for 13 years!

The newspapers report that Germany is breaking up. This is probably the aim of French policy. The plea of reparations has been no more than a "smoke screen"!