The Henson Journals

Sat 20 October 1923

Volume 36, Page 24


Saturday, October 20th, 1923.

Twenty one years ago on this day Ella and I plighted our troth in Westminster Abbey. The world had a more cheerful outlook then than it has now. I wrote to that unhappy Harold suggesting that he should see me at the Athenaeum next week.

After lunch we all motored into Durham for the dedication of the Military Chapel in the Cathedral. The function was very stately and impressive. I preached the sermon that I wrote yesterday, dedicated the Chapel, & pronounced the Blessing. Lord Durham was unable to be present, his place being taken by Lord Londonderry, who made a short and well phrased speech from the chancel step. After tea in the Deanery, we returned to Auckland.

The Bishop of Carlisle (Williams) with his wife & niece arrived at the Castle. They came in their car which was driven by the young lady.