The Henson Journals

Mon 15 October 1923

Volume 36, Page 19


Monday, October 15th, 1923.


William drove me to Darlington to catch the early train. The morning was bright & frosty: the country looked most beautiful. At the station Clayton met me, & took some directions for dealing with the correspondence. Harrison, the organ builder, went with me as far as York. I took occasion to speak to him about the proposed enlargement & re–placing of the organ in Brancepeth, & told him that nothing must be done there which wd interfere with the quaint & beautiful interior of the parish church. On my way between York & King's Cross I read a novel written with an Anglo–Catholic purpose, "The end of the House of Aland" which Ella gave me. On arriving in London, I left my bag at 21 Park Lane, & went to the hair–dresser. After receiving his attentions, I went to Dean's Yard & attended the meeting of the Church Prospect Commission.

I dined with Sir George Murray at 15 Cadogan Square. The company consisted of the members of the Commission together with the Archbishop of Canterbury. I sate between mine host & Ernest Pollock, the new Master of the Rolls. I told the Abp. that his speech as reported & commented on in the "Record" for this week was quite indefeasible & most mischievous. He disclaimed having said anything like what he is reported to have said.