The Henson Journals

Wed 10 October 1923

Volume 36, Page 12


Wednesday, October 10th, 1923.

A letter from Hodder & Stoughton informs me that the material sent to them would make about 100 pages if set up in the style of Zanzibar's pamphlet which consists of 36 pages. They tell me that "it wd not be possible for us to issue the work at one shilling", and proceed to suggest that it might be issued at 5/net in a permanent form. Now this is altogether contrary to my design in publishing anything. I wrote in reply that I desired that the price should be low enough to make purchase reasonably probable: that 5/. was quite excessive: that 2/. or 2/6 was the limit. It is all very annoying.

The Emmots & Fearne came with me to Durham, where I instituted clergy, and, after lunching with Wilson, presided at a meeting of the Finance Board. The secretary reported an ominous drop in the subscriptions owing to the economic depression. I had tea in my rooms with the Emmots, Fearne & Wilson. After looking over the Castle we returned to Auckland.

An odd guy of a female missionary from China came for the night. She is a "deputation" from the C.M.S to address a meeting in the drawing room tomorrow. I myself shall be happily absent. Missionary meetings are not exactly "in my line".