The Henson Journals

Sat 6 October 1923

Volume 36, Page 8


Saturday, October 6th, 1923.


It were better you enquired what your religion is than what your church is: for that which is a true religion today, will be so tomorrow and forever; but that which is a holy church today, may be heretical at the next change, or may betray her trust".

Jeremy Taylor VI. 647

I spent the morning in reading Jeremy Taylor'sDiscourse on the Real Presence of Christ in the Holy Sacrament: (published 1654)

After lunch Clayton and I motored to Leadgate, where I dedicated a War Memorial in the Parish Church – three windows and a tablet on which more than 100 names were inscribed. I gave an address. After tea at the Vicarage, we returned to Auckland.

It was rather distressing to see crowds of young miners flocking to witness a football match while the memorials of their dead counterparts was [sic] being dedicated. But it was also very significant. The men who fought in the Great War are no longer willing to be reminded of the fact. The heroes of the hour are the miserable skunks who shirked their duty, and sought refuge from military service in some exempted industry like mining. These men now pose as the only true judges of the crisis, & gather homage for behaviour which ought to have gained for them an everlasting infamy!