The Henson Journals

Mon 27 August 1923

Volume 35, Page 184


Monday, August 27th, 1923.

Ella and I motored into Exeter on the chance of finding the Dean at home. We failed in our quest, but William and I took the opportunity of walking round the Cathedral again, & renewing our memories of it. We returned to Wonham for lunch. We motored to Oakford, and had tea with the three Misses Anson, who showed us their pleasant house. After returning to Wonham I read with much interest the volume by E. T. Raymond, "The Man of Promise, Lord Rosebery, a critical study" (Fisher Unwin). It is full of good things. A witty figure of Lord Rosebery is worth recording:–

"Vanity is a centipede with corns on every foot".

Mr Buller & his wife, with their nephew, Frank Buller, a youth of 18, came to dinner.

It is reported that Lord Birkenhead has created a flutter in America by making some observations on President Wilson's policy. The Americans, who allow themselves the largest liberty of criticising other nations, are extremely sensitive to criticism of themselves. Lord Birkenhead appears to have expressed himself with unwanted politeness, and it is difficult to discover any justification for the outcry which his words have provoked. But the American conscience cannot be easy, when the whole course of events is taken into account, for it is beyond dispute that America has "let down" her allies shamefully. Hence her sensitiveness to criticism!