The Henson Journals

Tue 21 August 1923

Volume 35, Page 175


Tuesday, August 21st, 1923.

I read Anglo–Catholick pamphlets, & wrote letters all morning, save for a visit from Clayton, who was staying at the theological College at Lichfield last night. I wrote both the Superintendent at King's Cross Station, & to the Manager of the King's Cross Hotel, making arrangements for Carissima's journey to Bishop Auckland.

After lunch Dorothea motored us to Tamworth, where we visited the parish church, & ascended the tower by the curious double staircase, which is said to be unique in England. We then went over the Castle, once the seat of the Marmions, now the property of the town. The herring–bone work on the outer walls is remarkably fine.

After tea Ella and I walked to the Cathedral, & called on the Bishop, in the hired house which has been substituted for the Palace. His Lordship was absent on some diocesan business, but we were politely received by Mrs Kempthorne, with whom were Miss Jupp, and two relatives. These good Kempthornes are the most conventional of Anglo–Catholic people: but I doubt their wisdom. The deserted Palace has been handed to the students of the Theological College, who grow more numerous as their quality, social & intellectual, deteriorates. We dined quietly with our hostess and the girls.