The Henson Journals

Sat 21 July 1923

Volume 35, Page 125


Saturday, July 21st, 1923.

If it is God's Will that the Pope's Infallibility should be defined, then it is His Blessed Will to throw back the times and the moments of that triumph He has destined for His Kingdom: and I shall feel I have but to bow my head to his Adorable Inscrutable Providence.

Newman to Bp. Ullathorne. Jan. 28th 1870

Visitation of Easington Deanery

I completed my informal visitation of the diocese by going to Durham, and meeting first the clergy and then the parochial church Councillors of the Rural Deanery of Easington. The attendance was less satisfactory than in the other deaneries, but this was probably explicable by the later date, which brought the meeting within the holiday weeks. Boulflower, the Rural Dean, is a well–intentioned man, a fair antiquarian, and for all practical matters a hopeless muddler. This also explains much. I think also that the novelty of the procedure has to some extent worne off, and with it much of the attraction. The gist of my address to the clergy has become more or less familiar. With the acceptance of the Bill for equalizing the sexes in the Marriage Law the urgency of Marriage Law Reform has grown less: and Prayer Book Revision is now an almost hackneyed theme.